Dear colleagues,
swissuniversities has recently funded, within the "Programme Open Science I", the project "OSIReS" which has the goal of designing a solution to make geospatial services more FAIR by better support reproducible research. In this context, a research group (which includes researchers from SUPSI, HEIG-VD and UNIGE) has elaborated this questionnaire (taking approximatively 15 minutes) to understand the current usage, practices and needs in using geospatial data and services in research within different disciplines.
Data will be collected and processed in compliance with the new data protection law (nLPD). They can be shared within the research group in Switzerland and can be made available anonymously for any future use related to research projects (subject to the approval of the OSIReS research team). The data will be stored for a period of 10 years after the end of the project in a secure server at SUPSI.
Your participation in the survey is voluntary, you are free to withdraw your consent at any time without providing explanations by contacting the data processors.
For any questions you can contact the data processors: